Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Configure PPPoE connection in linux

Now I am going to discuss how to configure PPPoE connection in linux in a very simple way.

Process to configure PPPoE connection in linux :

First of all, make sure that you have connect the internet cable into the port of Enhernet card.
Run the Terminal simply by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T  Keys of keyboard.
Terminal will appear.Type the following command :
sudo pppoeconf

Press Enter Key then input the password of your ubuntu/linux pc and press Enter Key again. 

SCANNING DEVICE dialog box will appear
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

OKAY TO MODIFY dialog box will appear
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

Press  the Tab or Down Arrow Key from the keyboard and select <Yes> then press Enter Key.

POPULAR OPTIONS dialog box will appear.
 select <Yes> and then press Enter Key  as previously described.

ENTER USERNAME dialog box will appear .
It will ask to enter a username. Type the username which provided by your ISP
select <ok> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux 

ENTER PASSWORD dialog box will appear .
It will ask to enter a password. Type the password which provided by your ISP
select <ok> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

USE PEER DNS dialog box will appear .
 select <Yes> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

LIMITED MSS PROBLEM dialog box will appear.
select <Yes> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux
DONE dialog box will appear.
select <Yes> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

ESTABLISH A CONNECTION dialog box will appear.
select <Yes> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

CONNECTION INITIATED dialog box will appear.
select <ok> and then press Enter Key.
Configure PPPoE connection in linux
If everything alright, then CONNECTION INITIATED dialog box will be vanish.
Then the terminal will appear as following :
Configure PPPoE connection in linux

Thats It!!!!!
You have successfully configure PPPoE connection in linux.


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